Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Fasions Do and Dont

Fashion Do

  • Leggings, oversized sweaters, and Uggs- Although there is a large debate over if leggings are pants or not, I say they can be. Currently, leggings, sweaters, and Uggs are very in right now. When you pair a slightly oversized sweater with legging and Uggs, it makes a very stylish, chic outfit.

Fashion Don't
  • Uggs with shorts- To often I see people walking around wearing the infamous Uggs with shorts. Uggs and shorts are tacky, trashy, and just look bad. It looks like you can't choose between summer and winter, so you choose both. Instead, wear your uggs with a pair of jeans or leggings.


  1. well, good tips (for a girl) but maybe some stuff that guys wear.
